Even though the Torah focuses on the acts of G-d, the redemption of the Jews could not have happened without the acts of resistance on the part of the people. When Pharaoh gives the order to kill all male Jewish babies, Shifra and Pu-ah, two midwives, do not follow the orders. Rabbinical commentary interprets Pharaoh’s actions as declaring war against the Jews, and the midwives’ civil disobedience is the first step of the liberation process. We are also reminded that we must make noise and protest, before the divine will join our side. - Love and Justice in Times of War


Moses does not appear in traditional haggadot, for fear that if Moses’ role were lauded, we would venerate him like a saint. Indeed: in the megillah of Esther (which we read one month ago at Purim) our liberation is entirely in human hands, and God is mysteriously hidden; in the traditional haggadah, the liberation is entirely credited to God, and human agency (in the person of Moses) is barely mentioned. We're called to balance these two ends of the spectrum. In this haggadah, however, Moses does appear. We choose to ensure that the midwives Shifrah and Puah are remembered and honored in our haggadah, and we make the same choice with regard to Moses. We know he made mistakes. We respect him too much to make him superhuman. In fact, his greatness lies in his very humanity: he was a man like any other, and yet he helped God do wondrous things - Velveteen Rabbi

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from Love and Justice in Times of War Haggadah