Who will read?

We will go around the table and read in order to your right. If you don’t want to read or the section is long and you want to pass the reading on, just nudge your neighbor to the right and they will carry on. Sections are differentiated by larger, bold headings.

What about the questions within the text?

There are questions within the readings. When we come to them, let’s stop, ponder the questions, and answer the questions – anyone at the table – if you are moved to do so.

What about the Hebrew in the text?

When there is Hebrew in the text and you can tell the reader is struggling, please speak up. If it’s a long string of Hebrew (besides the prayers), you may choice to just read the English.

Who should say the prayers?

Prayers in Hebrew – all those who know Hebrew and are moved to join in, please join in.

Prayers in English – all those who are moved to, please join in.

Note: we don’t close our eyes during the prayers, especially when we are reading them.

What if there are directions in the text?

If the directions are to everyone, everyone join in.

If there are directions are to hold something up or point something out, the leaders should perform the action. If they don’t notice they should be doing something, request they perform the action.

Will there be some singing?

Yes, there are two traditional Passover songs in the text. Don’t be frightened when we bust out in song!

haggadah Section: Introduction