10 Plagues of Egypt- Words and Recording by Emily (Recording)

[MEN] One, two, three, four [

FULL COMPANY] Five, six, seven, eight, nine…

[PHARAOH/MOSES/MIRIAM/AARON] It’s the Ten Plagues of Egypt

[FULL COMPANY] It’s the Ten Plagues of Egypt Number one! [AARON] The nile turns into blood Watch where your feet land, there’s gonna be a red flood

[COMPANY] Number two! [

AARON] Here come frogs, on your bed, on your head

[MOSES] Maybe it’s just one--at least that’s what Rashi said

[COMPANY] Number three!

[AARON] Now your scalp’s gonna itch real bad

[PHARAOH ] The lice are creepy crawlies--

[MOSES] They can make a sane man raving mad

[PHARAOH ] It’s said mayo works, ‘specially overnight

[COMPANY] Too bad this is Egypt, no one’s seen the light Number four!

[AARON] Walking down on the street, there are beasts Crocodiles chomping seeking an Egyptian feast

[MOSES] You better run and hide, you’d best not take your chances

[MIRIAM] Just blame the pharaoh if you aren’t into your circumstances


[AARON] Livestock falling dead upon the field

[COMPANY] Once again the pharaoh he just won’t yield Number six!

[MOSES] Pus and blood on your legs and knees Boil bubble squeeze-- Tell the pharaoh “god just stop it please”

[COMPANY] Seven! [

MIRIAM] Let fire rain. Icy orbs of heavenly rage set the stage for the high gear finish.

[COMPANY] Number eight!

[MIRIAM/AARON/MOSES] The last chance to negotiate Send in the locust, see if they can make the pharaoh break…

[PHARAOH ] Holy Moses

[MOSES] Pharaoh Rameses

[PHARAOH ] Did you really have to send a bout of cattle disease?

[HAMILTON] Please Our god isn’t going to be so eas’ly appeased

[PHARAOH ] What’s next? An army of enchanted killer trees?

[MOSES] Hang on, how many times have I said you just have to let us go free first?

[PHARAOH ] Okay, bring your worst

[COMPANY] Number nine!

[MOSES] Look up at the sky, take a breath, Darkness brings more chaos than god of disorder Seth

[MEN] One two three four

[FULL COMPANY] Five six seven eight nine


[COMPANY] Ten-- first born


haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Hamilton Haggadah