Why don’t we say full הלל on שביעי של פסח.

The ט"ז asks this question and quotes a מדרש, which implies that we cant say הלל when מצרים are drowning.

The גמ ערכים י says that on סוכות we say הלל every day because there is a new קרבן. However, on פסח the same קרבן is brought every day.

The fact at different קרבן is brought implies that every day is a new יום טוב. However, פסח is one long יום טוב, signified by the fact that the same קרבן is brought every day. We fullfil הלל for the entire פסח.

However, the מדרש now doesn’t say this.

There are two types of הלל.

  1. For יום טוב
  • This was already fulfilled on the first day.
  1. For ניסים
  • This was what the ט"ז was commenting on.

According to the ט"ז it is not appropriate to say הלל for a נס that includes the death of our enemies.

If the ט"ז is correct, why do we say הלל on סדר night?

The גמ in מגילה implies that it is דאורייתא, however, in the גמ ברכות implies that it is דרבנן.

The נציב says that because at the time of the נס it is דאורייתא, at סדר night is at the moment of יצאת מצרים. Therefore, it is דאורייתא and we can say the הלל then. It is considered to be שעת הנס.

The אמק ברכה says that is the reason why it is called שירה חדשה in the הגדה.

On חנוכה the enemies also died. Similar on פורים the enemies died.

Perhaps you can say that we don’t say הלל on the day of the destruction of our enemies. We are celebrating the lighting of the מנורה, on פורים we celebrate on the day when we rested.

The רמ"א says that we should not say הלל on the night of פסח in shul.

The מסכת סופרים: that we should say הלל in shul on the first and second night of פסח.

Why did the רמ"א argue.

According to האי געון we don’t say ברכה on הלל of שירה it is supposed to come by itself.

However, if it is a הלל of קריאה, then it gets a ברכה.

However, how do you say a ברכה on it in shul.

Most ראשונים say the reason why don’t make a ברכה at the סדר is because there is a הפסק.

The reason why we don’t make ברכה is because of הפסק.

The ירשלמי says that you may be יוצא on ד כוסות if you drink them all at one shot, similarly you can be יוצא when you say הלל in shul.

It appears from the רמב"ם you can be יוצא the חירות but not he סדר aspect.

When you say the הלל in shul you fulfill the שירה aspect.

The ש"ע says you should say the הלל in shul so you can make the ברכה.

The רמ"א it is better to fulfill the הלל with both aspects during סדר הברכות in the הגדה.

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