
The Word “Hallel” is the Hebrew word for praise.

What is it?:

In the Hallel step, we sing special songs of praise to god and pour and drink the final cup of wine.

What happens/what we do:

The first thing we do is pour the last cup of wine for ourselves, as well as pour the cup of wine for Eliyahu Anavi, and set it in the middle of the. Then, some kids go open the door as if to let Eliyahu in. Now, sing songs of praise, or “Hallel”, from your Haggadah, and after saying a blessing, drink the final cup of wine while reclining.


The purpose of this is said to be able to spiritually open the door to every Jewish person, as well as to take to opportunity to praise God.


This is important because it gives us an opportunity to reach the highest of spiritual levels.

Additional information:

It is said that we drink four cups of wine to be able to see Eliyahu more clearly.


haggadah Section: Hallel