Traditionally, at this point in the seder, we discuss the four types of children—wise, wicked, simple, and the one who does not know how to ask—and the ways in which we should respond to their questions about Passover. Today we will use a modified version of this, adapted from a American Jewish World Service's Global Justice Haggadah.

At Passover, we are confronted with the stories of our ancestors’ pursuit of liberation from oppression. When confronting this history, how do we answer our children when they ask us how to pursue justice in our time?

The activist child asks, “The Torah tells me, ‘Justice, justice shall you pursue,’ but how can I pursue justice?”

Empower this child always to seek pathways to advocate for the vulnerable. As Proverbs teaches, “Speak up for the mute, for the rights of the unfortunate. Speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.”

The skeptical child asks, “How could I solve problems of such enormity? What's the point in even trying?”

Encourage this child by explaining that they need not solve the problems, they must only do what they are capable of doing. As we read in Pirke Avot, “It is not your responsibility to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.”

The indifferent child asks, "These problems aren't my fault, and they aren't affecting me, so why should I care?"

Persuade this child that responsibility cannot be shirked. As Abraham Joshua Heschel writes, “The opposite of good is not evil, the opposite of good is indifference. In a free society where terrible wrongs exist, some are guilty, but all are responsible.”

The uninformed child does not know enough to ask.

Teach this child about our people’s history and the Jewish value of tikkun olam, repairing the world. Talk with them about modern social justice issues and teach them how to educate themselves further on those issues.

At this season of liberation, join us in working for the liberation of all people. Let us respond to our children’s questions with action and justice.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Adapted from AJWS