The very first Passover happened a long time ago (about 3000 years ago) in a a land called Egypt.  There was a mean and very powerful king called Pharoh who ruled over all of Egypt.  The King was getting very worried that the Jewish people in his kingdom would one day try to fight against him.

Pharoh decided that these Jewish people must become his slaves.  As slaves, the Jewish people had to work very hard for many hours each day.  They were forced to build large palaces and huge cities for the king.  They were never allowed to rest or play and had little food to eat.  It was a terrible time.

The Jewish people hated being slaves to Pharoh.  They cried out and asked God to help them.  God chose a man named Moses to lead the people out of slavery and far away from the land of Egypt.  When Moses went to talk with Pharoh he said "God is not happy with the way you are treating the Jewish people in your kingdom.  God wants you to let the Jews leave Egypt and allow them to go into the desert where they can be free."

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story