One of the things that’ll make this Passover (5782/2022) different, is the Exodus from Covid. Ah, you might say, Covid isn’t totally eradicated yet! That helps the analogy, because the Exodus from Egypt wasn’t finalized when they left. The Jews still had residual Egypt, traces of it, variations you might say, that took 49 Days of semi-isolation (spiritual preparation & growth) in the Wilderness, leading up to Sinai.

Indeed, as the Alter Rebbe insists, we are still on that journey, continuing to exit & transcend our personal & collective Egypts, Passing-Over our limitations & boundaries (which share the same Hebrew root word as Egypt) shedding the viral load of exile, & working our way, step by step, mitzvah by mitzvah, and Passover by Passover, towards the ultimate Redemption.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story