Elijah's Cup is a cup of wine that we give to the prophet Elijah. We drink four cups of wine each Passover, but leave a fifth for Elijah. We pour this glass of wine and open the door for him. Elijah comes in, drinks the wine, and leaves. Why do we do this? Rav Gaon of Vilna said that we do so because there was a debate about whether a fifth cup was needed for the Seder. Elijah is thought to be the figure that will return to Earth and act as arbiter -- settling all disputes. So this cup is named for him. This cup is significant to our Seder because it reminds of the tension between individual belief and collective action. We all have our points of view, but in this imperfect world, we must make strategic alliances to create positive change. Take this moment to reflect on what coalitions you want to be a part of, what uncomfortable complexity do you live with?

Now let's open the door and sing Eliyahu Hanavi together:

Eliyahu hanavi

Eliyahu hatish'bi

Eliyahu hagil'adi

Bim'herah (beyameinu) yavo eleinu im Mashi'ach ben David. (x2)

haggadah Section: Bareich