The section I chose is Dayenu. With this we are telling G-d “It would have been enough.” But it wouldn’t be enough. First, Hashem took us out of slavery and then out of Egypt. He killed their first born and gave them many other plagues. At the end, we were the victors. points out how with only one word, we summarize so many ideas. In the Hagadah, the word Dayenu summarizes all the good things Hashem has done for us: such as give us Torah, keep us 40 years in the desert, open up the Red Sea to us to escape Pharaoh, and gave us Shabbat among other things. With Dayenu we tell Hashem that with just one of these things, it would of been enough. But, he kept on doing more things to help us. According to the commentaries, the poem is all based on the number five. It has 15 stanzas; the first five explain how our bodies were slaves. The second five talk about miracles Hashem did with nature. The last five bring us closer to Hashem. In the Hagadah, G-d enumerates all the miracles. Dayenu is the most important song in the Hagadah and in the seder.  With the word Dayenu, we thank Hashem for taking us out of slavery, the process by which he did it, all the miracles he made, and all the gifts he gave us. The biggest gift he gave us all is the Torah. Every seder, when we go over the Passover story, we are not only listening to the story, we are thanking Hashem for making us free from slavery and for His gifts.


haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues