As we conclude telling the story of Passover, we sing a song listing all the wonderful acts God performed for the Israelites when they left Egypt. 

If God would've taken us out of Egypt and not executed judgment upon them, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've executed judgment upon them and not upon their idols, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've judged their idols, and not killed their firstborn, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've killed their firstborn, and not given us their wealth, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've given us their wealth, and not split the sea for us, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've split the sea for us, and not let us through it on dry land, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've let us through it on dry land, and not drowned our enemies in it, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

If He would've drowned our enemies in it, and not provided for our needs in the desert for 40 years, it would've been enough for us–Dayenu.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu