If Frasier had aired eleven seasons but without Eddie, dayenu!

If Stranger Things had aired its first second but wasn't renewed for a second, dayenu!

If Curb Your Enthusiasm was due to return this year but Susie never curses, dayenu!

If Parks & Recreation had given us 'Lil Sebastian but not Jean Ralphio, dayenu!

If Saturday Night Live had lasted more than 40 seasons but Tina Fey didn’t portray Sarah Palin, dayenu!

If Big Little Lies had cast Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon perfectly but didn't show beautiful beach scenes, dayenu!

If Hulu had been created, but not Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBO Go, dayenu!

If Jennifer Aniston had been cast on Friends but had not debuted "The Rachel" hairstyle, dayenu!

If The Crown had shown us the Queen's corgis but never won Golden Globes, dayenu!

If The Rugrats had aired a special Passover episode but not a Hanukkah special, dayenu!

If NBC Nightly News aired every night but without Miguel Almaguer, dayenu!

If Jim and Pam had flirted on The Office but had never gotten married, dayenu!

haggadah Section: Songs