Dayeinu means "it would have been enough." In this section, we traditionally go through the different steps G-d took to free us from Egypt, after each step saying, it would have been enough. Tonight, we will be saying "it should have been enough." On average, 96 people are killed in the US by guns each day. Each of the following instances should have been enough to end senseless gun violence. Each of the deaths at the hand of a gun should have been enough to save the next future gunshot victim.

The leader will say each location one by one. After a location, I ask that you say "dayeinu."

Columbine High School. 1999. 15 people.

Virginia Technical University. 2007. 33 people.

Fort Hood. 2009. 13 people.

Sandy Hook Elementary School. 2012. 26 people, including 20 children.

Aurora Movie Theatre. 2012. 12 people.

Washington Navy Yard. 2013. 13 people.

San Bernardino. 2015. 16 people.

Pulse Nightclub. 2016. 50 people.

Las Vegas Concert. 2017. 59 people.

Sutherland Springs Church. 2017. 27 people.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. 2018. 17 people.

It should have been enough.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu