Insert Dayeinu]

Reader 13:  It would have been enough for God to take us out of Egypt.  It would have been enough to bring us through the Red Sea, to give us Torah and Shabbat; it would have been enough to bring us to the land of Israel.  Dayeinu, it would have been enough.

All:  In gratitude for the countless gifts we have received and for the history which has brought us to this moment, we say Dayeinu.  

Second Cup of Wine—To Liberation!

Reader 14:  As we recall the liberation from slavery of our own people, we are able to empathize with the plight of other peoples.  All physical slavery involves spiritual slavery.  We Jews know that we have often been robbed of a sense of dignity and pride.  We dedicate ourselves tonight to the freeing of body and soul of all human beings.  

Reader 15:  We also recognize in reading and listening to the story of our ancestors’ struggle to free themselves from the Pharaoh that not all Pharaohs are external Pharaohs  We carry Pharaohs inside ourselves that make us feel stuck and enslaved.  We commit to the difficult task of liberating ourselves from these Pharaohs as well.  

Boruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam boray pree ha-gafen.

A Reading from Paul Heller’s diary

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu