There's a fire, burning in the bush.

Moses takes off his shoes and takes a closer look.

G-d says, "Yo what's up. The Jews got to get out."

If you don't, then they all will kvetch and whine and pout.

Moses says, "Yo, I'm not the guy for this."

G-d says, Oh yes you are! You don't get to resist."

Moses wants some proof, this task sounds really tough.

G-d turns his staff into a snake, so Moses says "fair enough."

(oooo) Fast forward a little while after the bloody Nile,

And frogs and hail and darkness, what do we do now?

We leave that awful land, thanks to G-d's mighty hand,

And we start thinking ... We're gonna have it all!

Once we cross the sea of Reeds.

We'll sing and dance and party hard.

Soon we'll be in Yisrael.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Lex Rofes