Leader:  We begin with the Passover plate.  The four foods on this plate symbolize the  four years of Beloit.

Leader:  The first item is the bitter herbs. 

All:  The bitter herbs came from the hot sauce tray.

Leader:  The second item is the chocolate Karpas

All:  The karpas is some lettuce that we got from the salad bar. It symbolizes prosperity.

Leader:  The third item is the fruit.

All:  The fruit represents the mortar that held the buildings together in Egypt. It also is sweet.

Leader:  The fourth item is the condom with the hole poked in it.

All:  This symbolizes fertility

Leader: The fifth item is the chunk of meat.

All: This chunk of meat symbolizes the slaughtered lamb, whose blood the Jews wiped on their doors so that their God would know not to plague them. 

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Graduate School Haggadah