Let us bless the third and fourth glasses of wine:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הַגָּפֶן

Closing Remarks

When the Israelites were finally freed, and journeying toward our promised land, Israel, G-d appeared to all of them for the first time instead of simply through a prophet. We received law and order through Torah as well, cementing a new era of equality amongst human beings. This was a completely new, self-realized way of seeing the world after generations in bondage.

But it was too much too quickly it seems, for the newly inspired Israelites began to act like the only other proud people they knew - the Egyptians. They erected a Golden Calf made of physical valuables, not personal or genuine ones. In trying to do good, a people who had never known freedom used it to opposite effect and they trapped themselves in idolatry. Luckily, albeit tragically, Moses returned to discover this and destroyed the idol. But damage was done.

For all the progress that was made, it seems the people, misguided and afraid, turned back to shadow instead of their bright future. The change was too much for some of them and too fast. The result was a pendulum swing that almost destroyed the Jewish people forever.

Luckily Moses was there, a model of leadership, strategy, and patience, the likes I have only seen in modern times through Nelson Mandela. He recognized, despite his outburst, that the people were not ready - not yet. And so the pace was reduced and the education and dialogue became more inclusive and thorough. There's a reason Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy aren't super exciting - they're a manual. A manual that shows that people make mistakes, but can learn - and must learn - in order to be more complete people. All of the Children of Israel deserved to know G-d and thrive as a nation, so Moses took the time - 40 years it is written - to ensure that by the time the Israelites reached the Promised Land, they were actually ready to reign over it.

Those who refuse the future do not see it, but those who struggle with it are not lost. Think about that in the troubling times of 2017. What are you struggling with? What plagues you? Instead of building a wall around yourself, try to see other sides and gain knowledge. You will be more whole in the end, even it takes a little time.

חג שמח

- GU

haggadah Section: Conclusion