The Chocolate Seder Plate

Before us tonight at our Chocolate Seder sits the festive Chocolate Seder Plate. Upon it are six symbols that capture the essence of the story of passover-in a melt -in-your-mouth sort of way.

  • Z'roa- Lollipop Representing the sacrificial lamb of Passover. The blood of the lamb was placed on the doorposts of the Jewish homes, so that God would "Pass over" those homes, sparing the children of the Jews from the tenth plague- the killing of the first born
  • Beytzah- Macaroons The roundness of the macaroon represents the continuous cycle of nature's seasons
  • Maror- Bitter Chocolate This bitter chocolate represents the bitterness of our ancestors' enslavement in Egypt. It helps us remember that although our ancestors were delivered from Egypt, we are all still enslaved in our own personal Egypt.
  • Karpas- Strawberries Symbolizes new growth and rebirth of the world
  • Charoset- Marshmallow Mixture A representation of the mortar that our ancestors used as slaves in Egypt.

haggadah Section: Introduction