Prompt: please write an ode to the first glass of wine during the seder dinner

Oh, first glass of wine, how sweet you taste As we lift you high in honor and in grace You bring us joy, you bring us cheer As we gather 'round the table, year after year

With your crimson hue and your fragrant scent You remind us of the miracle, the moment we were sent From Egypt's land, where we were slaves To freedom, we marched, with hearts so brave

Oh, first glass of wine, you are a treasure A symbol of the past, a promise for the future As we sip from your cup, we remember and we pray For a world of peace, where justice will hold sway

You fill us with hope, you fill us with light As we celebrate this night, with all our might So let us raise our glasses high, and drink to life To freedom, to redemption, to a world without strife

Oh, first glass of wine, we sing your praise As we savor your taste, and cherish these days May your blessings flow, may your goodness shine As we journey on, to the end of time.

haggadah Section: Kadesh