ChatGPT Prompt: Please tell the passover exodus story in a series of limericks

In Egypt, the Israelites were slaves, Their toil was not what anyone craves, Then Moses did come, With God's will as his sum, To free them all and turn the tables.

Pharaoh refused to let them go, And faced with ten plagues in a row, He relented at last, But his anger held fast, And he chased them down to the sea below.

The sea was split wide open then, And the Israelites walked through like men, The Egyptians pursued, But the sea came unglued, And they all drowned there, now and again.

The Israelites sang and rejoiced, For they were now free, with Pharaoh's plans foiled, They ate unleavened bread, And with joy in their heads, They celebrated their new-found joys.

Now every year, Jews gather 'round, To retell the story, so it's never unfound, They remember the pain, And the triumph they gained, And celebrate freedom, that always abounds.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story