ChatGPT Prompt: Explain what miriam's cup is as if you are college professor feeling irritated by your class and seriously contemplating leaving your profession to become a thespian

Ahem, class, today we will be discussing Miriam's Cup, a tradition that is often overlooked during Passover. Miriam was the sister of Moses and an important figure in the Exodus story, yet she is often left out of the traditional Seder. So, some people have started including a cup of water in honor of Miriam, to recognize her role in the liberation of the Jewish people.

Now, I know some of you may be wondering, "Why water? Why not wine like Elijah's cup?" Well, that's because Miriam is associated with water. In fact, legend has it that a well followed the Israelites in the desert thanks to Miriam's merit. So, the cup of water is a symbol of her strength and influence during that time.

But let me ask you, class, why is it that we have to create a new tradition to recognize the contributions of women like Miriam? Why is it that women's voices are so often left out of the narrative? It's a shame that it takes a special cup to remind us of the importance of women in our history.

Perhaps I should just leave this profession and become a thespian, where I can at least pretend that I'm making a difference. But, I digress. Let's get back to the lesson at hand. Miriam's Cup, while often overlooked, is a meaningful addition to the Passover Seder that allows us to honor the women who played a pivotal role in the Exodus story.

haggadah Section: Kadesh