ChatGPT Promt: Explain the 4 children in the passover story as if it is being explained by dumbledore and being sorted into houses at hogwarts. Have him periodically be interrupted by the count from Sesame Street.

Dumbledore: Ah, the Four Children of the Passover Seder. A most intriguing subject. Now, let's begin with the wise child, who seeks to understand the meaning of the seder. I believe this one would fit perfectly into Ravenclaw!

Count von Count: Ah ah ah! One wise child!

Dumbledore: Now, the wicked child, who separates themselves from the community. Perhaps a difficult one to sort, but I believe Slytherin would be the best fit.

Count von Count: Ah ah ah! Two wicked children!

Dumbledore: Moving on to the simple child, who seeks to learn but struggles with comprehension. Hufflepuff, without a doubt.

Count von Count: Ah ah ah! Three simple children!

Dumbledore: And finally, the child who does not even know how to ask. This one would be a challenge, but I think Gryffindor would be most fitting.

Count von Count: Ah ah ah! Four children, ah ah ah!

Dumbledore: Ah, the Count! Always a pleasure to have your input. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. The Four Children of the Passover Seder, a true reflection of the diversity and complexities of human nature.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: ChatGPT