In order to feel more connected, we recommend changing everyone's Zoom background to be of the same photo, whether that is a dining room you all know, or some photo you found online. Please change this now.


Say these words as you light two candles.

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kid-shanu b'mitz-vo-tav, v'tzi-vanu l'hadlik neir shel yom tov.

In praising God we say that all life is sacred. In kindling festive lights, we preserve life's sanctity. With every holy light we kindle, the world is brightened to a higher harmony. We praise You, Adonai, majestic Sovereign of all Life, Who hallows our lives with commandments and bids us kindle festive holy light. 

haggadah Section: Introduction