Welcome, one and all, to the Black Katz Seder! Tonight, regardless of how many seders you might have schleped through over the years, I guarantee that you will have an experience like no other. Before we begin, there's a few things you need to know about this Haggadah. It was written to reflect our family, and the Ashkenegro/Pluralistic/Genderfluid reality that is our norm. As such, it is not simply a roadmap to a tradition that has evolved over the past 3.5 millenia. The Black Katz Haggadah is a celebration of freedom, for all the diverse peoples of this earth, and an annual rededication to the struggle we each must endure in order to keep it alive.

This constant striving, to make "liberty and justice for all" more than empty words recited by the youth of America, is something that has taken a toll on everyone present this evening. But, if for just these few hours, I invite you to recline, share in the love of the people surrounding you, and focus on the joy that freedom brings. Because this is a night unlike all other nights.

haggadah Section: Introduction