A Passover story, offered by theRita J. Kaplan Jewish Connections Program, illustrating one person’s slavery to freedom recovery.

It has been two months since I was first diagnosed. I feel as stripped down and bare as this bone I am roasting. In a few short hours my children will be expecting, hoping and needing me to take my place at the table. How will I find the strength to do it?

As I grate the horseradish my tears are heartfelt. While chopping the sticky sweet mixture of apples and honey for the charoset, I realize my family is the sweet cement of my life. They are my foundation and help me to push past my salty tears. I wash the greens for the karpas, the sign of renewal and rebirth. I place the cup of Elijah on the table. Suddenly it strikes me how so many generations have started their Seders/stories with a mixture of tears blended with hope that spring will come again. The bitter and the sweet coexist on the same plate. Currently I may be a weaker link in this chain of strong Jews but the links on either side of me, hope and redemption, keep me attached.

haggadah Section: Cover
Source: Rita J. Kaplan Jewish Connections Program