Bedikat Chametz: Searching for Leaven

Tuesday Night, April 7, 2020


During the week prior to Pesach, the house should be cleansed thoroughly of chametz.  Examine all closets, cabinets, and all other places where one might find chametz. Chametz dishes and kitchen utensils must be cleaned and stored away in such a manner that they cannot accidentally be used on Pesach. Check pockets of clothing, the glove compartment of your car, your office desk, etc. Any chametz found is to be put away and out of sight until the time prescribed for the burning of chametz, or put with the chametz to be sold.   

This thorough cleaning is spiritual catharsis.  We move from the slavery of hard labor to the freedom of a clean home.  In this time of COVID-19, this kind of cleaning feels even more important.   


Chametz is understood by the Chasidic tradition to be our ego, the inflated self.  Passover is a time for humility.  You might think your house is clean, but check under the couch cushions and see!


After it gets dark, the final search should be done by the light of a single wick candle. Traditionally, a feather is used to brush the chametz into a wooden spoon. If you don’t have either a feather or a wooden spoon, don’t worry, improvisePlace a number of pieces of chametz around the house before the search so you will be able to find some chametz after you recite the following blessing:

Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheynu Melech Ha’olam, Asher Kidshanu B’Mitzvotav V’Tzivanu Al Bi-ur Chame


Blessed are You, ADONAI our God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and has commanded us to remove the leaven.


The next morning, take your bag of Chametz outside, and if you are able, light it on fire while reciting.

Kol Chamirah Vachami-a D’ika Virshuti, D’chamitey Ud’la Chamitey, D’vaaritey Ud’la Vaaritey, Lib’tail V’lehevey Hefkair K’afra D’ara.


“All Chametz and leaven that still may be in my possession which I have not seen or removed or whose existence I have no knowledge of, shall be considered ownerless and as the dust of the earth.”


Once you have burned your chametz, you have prepared your physical and spiritual space for the holiday to begin, don't eat any more chametz until after the whole holiday is over. 

haggadah Section: Introduction