In Exodus it explains the locust plague and the reasoning behind it: G-d said that if Pharaoh did not let His people go, locusts would take over and obscure the view of the earth, eat the land and the trees and Pharaoh's houses and the houses of Pharaoh's servants. Locusts seem to be a horrible thing, which begs the question: If locusts were meant to punish Pharaoh, why is the plague still alive and something we encounter today? You’d think that something G-d once used as a punishment would not be so common around the world today. One may even assume that by locust still being very present, the plague is still taking place. I reasoned that to be untrue with the help of a commentary from Rabbi Isaac Chaver, in which he speaks about G-d being the controller and having control of nature and being able to do what he wants with nature. I realized that G-d kept locust among people today for a reason, and I believe that reason is for memory. Locust is probably still among us today to serve as a reminder of Egypt, the suffering our people endured, and the miracles that took place in order to get our people out of Egypt. The Seder is a huge reminder of Egypt; however locust could easily serve as a subtle everyday reminder of what took place and our freedom today.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Original