What is the point of this paragraph in the Haggadah? If we are obligated to remember Yetziat Mitzrayim every night then what makes it relevant to Pesach specifically?

On Pesach, we have an added obligation to tell the story. We get extra merit for telling the story of leaving Egypt on Pesach. 

Another answer is that this paragraph is a continuation of the previous story, and Rabbi Elazar here is continuing the discussion from the Bnei Brak seder. 

However, if you go by the previous opinion that we get extra merit for telling the story specifically tonight, then the insertion of this paragraph makes a lot of sense. The Haggadah went out of its way to record these rabbis sitting at a table discussing the obligation to talk about Yetziat Mitzrayim. These were beyond pious men who had to be reminded to say Shema!!! What they were discussing MUST have been important, and it should be a lesson to us about the lengths we should go to in order to fulfill this mitzvah above and beyond. 

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning