Welcome to the Spiro Family Seder.  The Seder is a magical and holy occurrence that requires us to celebrate and to lament; To question and rebel and to be true to history and to God; to share our tragedies and our triumphs.  We come together as a family, and all who are here tonight are family, to bear witness, not only to remember.  We were all slaves in Egypt, we were all at Sinai, we were all in the hell of the holocaust, and we are all here celebrating tonight.  We must share our memories and identify and immerse ourselves in the stories we tell and the songs we sing.  We celebrate freedom,  The greatest freedom is the freedom to question and even to argue always respectfully.  We argue with each other and we argue with God.  We may have faith in God and in man and at the same time, we doubt.  Faith and doubt go hand in hand.  So tonight remember that the questions are far more important than the answers.  Questions are eternal while answers and facts change.  Remember that around this table we are all one family.  We may have different faiths or no faith.  We all have different experiences; Around our table that does not matter.  We are all family.  Be serious and be silly.  Be holy and heretical. Ask questions and argue while loving each other. Tonight we share memories, share doubt and celebrate.  

haggadah Section: Introduction