T.S. Eliot’s well-known section from Little Gidding comes to mind:

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Earlier this evening you were asked to “hide” a piece of matza in your own home - in that home that you have been staring at and wandering about in for hours and days and, by now, weeks and months.  Now, in a world we have never seen before, where we are all questioning children seeking answers, we turn our childlike curiousity to that part of the world we think we know so well. Home.

This is your assignment for later.  Maybe tonight, after the seder. Maybe tomorrow night, as a personal second seder:

Look about you in childlike wonder. Try to imagine that you cannot imagine where your adult “you” hid that matzah.  Go explore your world. It’s strange out there. It’s even strange in here. But there are hidden delights to be found. Go look. Always be looking.  May you find much that has been hidden.

haggadah Section: Tzafun