It might not be noticeable on the surface, but it is possible to relate the traits of the original four children with those of people suffering in the LGBTQ community.

-The clever child exists because they want to educate themselves on the struggles of LGBTQ people and fight against the oppression they have come to realize in the world. 

-The wicked child breeds intolerance and does not feel empathy for the suffering of LGBTQ people. They feel no connection to the struggles of their brethren and do not attempt to educate themselves or see others' humanity.

-The innocent child is not knowledgable of the disputes in society regarding LGBTQ rights, but they should be educated so that they may realize the importance of standing against oppression

-The child who cannot ask represents the youth who are not yet old enough to understand the hate facing society. We must make a world free of hate for them to inherit, so when they are ready to ask a question, it will be "why WAS there oppression" and not "why does there continue to be."

haggadah Section: -- Four Children