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There are many components to the holiday of Pesach that makes it the holiday of Pesach. One of these components of Pesach is the seder. Seder translated to english, menas organized or order, and during a holiday as hectic as Pesach, you need order in order for everything to run smoothly. This goes to show that the seder is the most formal night in the jewish year, but they're not eating dinner. They're acting out a 15 scene play. Why? The seder is when our nation was born. Pesach is the holiday that defines the jewish people as a nation. Every year that the seder is carried out, it is a rebirth of the Jewish people and our past. The purpose of this night is to reconnect to our beginning journey as a Jewish nation. 


Kadesh is Kiddush, and it is the first cup of the four that will follow.  There are few options as to how kiddush can work. Kiddush will always be a blessing or a statement over what event is transpiring. The kiddush outlines the entire meal, and shows what is happening and the level of holiness at the meal. The kiddush elevates the meal to show hoit's a sacred meal for Hashem.


. there is a  minhag to bring the washing cup to your parents at the table so they don't have to leave the seder table in order to wash. This is for 2 reasons. 1: to show appreciation to our parents who have worked so hard to put the seder table togther. 2: to  help our parents feel like royalty at their table . The need to wash hands [netilat yadaim][ before eating vegetables that are dipped in water was only a halachick requirement  in time of beit hamikdash when we kept all the laws of Tomaa and Taharah. The reason we do it on seder night  is to make us think of the Beit  Hamikdash time. The Beit Hamikdash played  an important rulle on Pesach- The Korban Pesach. Many things that we do during the Seder night comes to remind us of the Beit Hamikdash and we try to remind oursleves to be as close to the Beit Hamikdash ways as possible


The reason we use a green vegetable is to remind us of spring time, aviv. The Torah calls Pesach the Chag Aviv, the holiday of spring. This symbolizes new begginnings, opportunities,and chances. This night is our national birthday and anyone can restart and start anew.


1. the 3 matzot resamble the 3 parts of our nation kohen levi israel  we brake the mddle matza and we "hide" the middle part to show that that the reall reward for ou torah and mitzvot will be in the world to come and small part that we can see is the benfit of our mitzvot that we can see in this world in our lifetime. 

2.  *bigger some houses have the minhag that the hostn is hiding the Afikoman in some the kids are hiding the Afikoman that entire afikoman game is there for one reason to keep the kids interested in the seder

Maggid - Beginning

Maggid is a mitzvah from the torah to tell the story of yitziat mitzrim on the night of pesach. This is definatly an esental point, and  probably the entire perpouse of tonight. This mitzvah to tell the story of our exodus to the kids is carring our faith from generation to generation. Telling the story is the hidden meaning of the name of the holiday. Sounds like the two hebrew words Pe is mouth and Sach is conversation. This means the conversing mouth hinting to the story of pesach. 

-- Four Questions

The Magid part of the Hagadah opens with the famous "Ma Nishtana" the 4 Q. the main reason for that is that we do so many things over this seder night to keep the kids intrested and involved.  The Main way to encourage learning and to promote learning is by Questions. If you ask a question most chnaces are that you will care to get an answer.  The questions are here in order to point out the main reason of the entire night - to pass our tradtion and heritige  to the next generation. 
From Meir Sabo to Everyone:  01:33 PM
The Magid part of the Hagadah opens with the famous "Ma Nishtana" the 4 Q. the main reason for that is that we do so many things over this seder night to keep the kids intrested and involved.  The Main way to encourage learning and to promote learning is by Questions. If you ask a question most chnaces are that you will care to get an answer.  The questions are here in order to point out the main reason of the entire night - to pass our tradtion and heritige  to the next generation. 
From Meir Sabo to Everyone:  01:38 PM
First its important to understand the lesson here - the lesson is that you must teach every child to their level. talk to ppl to their hight or in other words you gotta cater to the needs of your customer.  Very important to have in mind the 5th child. who is the 5th child? is the one that is not even at the table... maybe this year that 5th son is in hospital and cant make it... our paryers are with all of those who couldnt be at seder table this year... 

-- Exodus Story

very interstingly the Haggada's story starts from a point  in time that is much early than just the story of BN"I being slaves in egypt. as matter of a fact the haggada story starts even before Avraham our father, and takes us through a brif historical reviwe of  our faters avraham yitzchak and yaakov. we read a lot about yaakov our father at Lavan's house and more.... the perpouse of this story going far and long is to make us understand that we are not just telling a story from the past rather telling the story of the jewish nation in all generations ..... this isnt a history class but a true jewish life lesson about heretige and destiny. its our story of past present and future. pls note this is one of the MAIN mitzvot of the year telling this story around the table is making our Emonah in Hashem stronger and making our connection with hashem deeper.  yes the words that we are saying at the table reach far and deep. 
