The Magid part of the Hagadah opens with the famous "Ma Nishtana" the 4 Q. the main reason for that is that we do so many things over this seder night to keep the kids intrested and involved.  The Main way to encourage learning and to promote learning is by Questions. If you ask a question most chnaces are that you will care to get an answer.  The questions are here in order to point out the main reason of the entire night - to pass our tradtion and heritige  to the next generation. 
From Meir Sabo to Everyone:  01:33 PM
The Magid part of the Hagadah opens with the famous "Ma Nishtana" the 4 Q. the main reason for that is that we do so many things over this seder night to keep the kids intrested and involved.  The Main way to encourage learning and to promote learning is by Questions. If you ask a question most chnaces are that you will care to get an answer.  The questions are here in order to point out the main reason of the entire night - to pass our tradtion and heritige  to the next generation. 
From Meir Sabo to Everyone:  01:38 PM
First its important to understand the lesson here - the lesson is that you must teach every child to their level. talk to ppl to their hight or in other words you gotta cater to the needs of your customer.  Very important to have in mind the 5th child. who is the 5th child? is the one that is not even at the table... maybe this year that 5th son is in hospital and cant make it... our paryers are with all of those who couldnt be at seder table this year... 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions