Passover Marching Song (“Zoom Zoom”)

[CLAP at the X}

Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Forty years through the desert sand   

x          x

Till we came to the Promised Land

x          x

Our people fled in awful dread,

Forty years in the desert sand   

x          x

Oh, we built a Golden Calf          

x          x

Hurrah, come sing and laugh     

x          x

We had no shame till Moses came

And broke our Golden calf.        

x          x

Who knows what Moses saw    

x          x

When he received the Law?      

x          x

On Sinai’s mount was Wisdom’s fount

When he received the Law         

x          x

Forty years through the desert sand

x          x

Till we came to the Promised Land   

x          x

Our people fled in awful dread,

Forty years in the desert sand           

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom…

haggadah Section: Songs