You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Unless you have actually tasted the bitterness of bondage, and resolve never to inflict it upon another person's spirit or will. 

You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Unless you have felt the anguish of those whose daily fare is not much more ample than unleavened bread, and have resolved to help alleviate their plight. 

You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Unless you take fresh delight in the glories of the new Spring season, and profound exultation in the redemption of our people from slavery to freedom, in days past, and in  your own times. 

You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Unless you have truly said "Dayenu" - Thank you, O Lord our Gd, for the blessings which you have bestowed upon us. Even a fraction of them would call forth my gratitude

You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Until you realize that like Mose, you are obligated to resist that evil which threatens not yourself alone, but others... and that your fate is inexorably bund up with the fate of humankind everywhere in the world

You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... 

Until every Jew, every human being, lives in freedom and dignity, in a world in which nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 

haggadah Section: Conclusion
Source: Foundation for Family Education