Yachatz: Breaking the Matzoh

Next, we break some matzoh in two. One piece becomes the Afikomen, and the patriarch of the house hides it. Later, everyone pretends to look for it in medicine cabinets and closets. This is the only sport many Jewish kids can play without getting made fun of.

Break the middle matzoh now.

Before we eat this matzoh, let's read this blessing. Incidentally, if we ate this blessing, it would taste a lot like matzoh.

Everyone reads together:

Let all who are hungry, come, and eat.

Let all who are in need, come, and share the Passover meal.

This year, we are still here - next year, in the land of Israel.

This year, we are still slaves - next year, free people.

These days, matzoh is a special food and we look forward to eating it on Passover. Imagine eating only matzoh, or being one of the many people around the world who do not have enough to eat.

haggadah Section: Yachatz