As we go through the seder, the matzah will be transformed. It will cease to be the bread of affliction and it will become the bread of hope, courage, trust and possibility. Alex, do you know what affliction means?

There are three pieces of matzah stacked on the table. We will mute everyone so that the matzah person can break break the middle matzah - the bigger half magically becomes the afikoman, the envy of all the other marzah shards in the house.

3...2...1....*Break the middle matzah*


Every time we are able to act with compassion rather than anger, we stop the flow of violence.


May all who are hungry log on to zoom and eat with us on your thousand dollar apple laptop. 


And each moment we find the strength and courage to see ourselves in each other, we open possibilities for healing and peace.


This is the bread that we bless, share, and hope not to have to resort to use as TP. 

haggadah Section: Yachatz