We have come together this evening for many reasons. We are here because Spring is all around, the Earth is reborn, and it is a good time to celebrate with family and friends. We are clearly not here just because we are Jewish, as some of us are not, but because we have deep historic roots and valuable old memories and stores to tell.

As we begin, let’s take a moment to be thankful for being together, and we keep in our hearts those who could not be here, because of geography or the passage of time. 

So, why tell this story again? Most of us already know the story of Passover. We saw the movie. The answer is that we are not merely telling a story. Not only do we hear the story of the Exodus but we are to feel as if we too were being set free. We hear the story to remind us to be a light unto all people, as is required by Torah, and to share the need for freedom for all. Some at our table observe this holiday every year and some are experiencing it for the first time. Passover is the most widely celebrated Jewish Holiday and is enjoyed by people of various faiths. Freedom is at the core of our stories. All who are in need of being freed, let them come celebrate Passover with us.

We are here to remember the old story of the liberation of the ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, a great struggle for freedom and dignity. We are here because the struggle for human freedom never stops.

haggadah Section: Introduction