“Hagaddah” means “the telling.”

Our friend Steve collects Haggadot, because each one tells the story a little differently. The story is the same each year, but our context, our perspective, our emphasis is different, and that is the whole point of retelling the story.

This has been a different year.  What will we tell about it in future years?  Mad Max style stories of social meltdown?  Stories of signs and wonders?   Each year we tell the story differently because we see ourselves differently. 

Previous Haggadot were shaped by a chance encounter with a Chabad rabbi in the parking lot of a Phish concert. From there it was on to Josh Fleet and his "Geulah Papyrus" Haggadah and to  Emily Aviva Kapor-Mater's "Shir Ge'ulah" Haggadah - the song of liberation.  It borrows from the "JewBelong" inclusive Haggadah.

It is the sum of a year of changing, difficult, stressful view points, and a story of how we will find our way out -- a figurative Afikomen search.

"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" -- Neil Peart

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Steve S, long time friend, Jane Leavy "Last Boy"