We know the traditional answers to this question. We know about eating matzoh, and bitter herbs, about dipping, and reclining. But, how do these themes relate to today's world?

On most other nights we allow the news of tragedy in distant places to pass us by. We succumb to compassion fatigue- aware that we cannot possibly respond to every injustice or tragedy that arises around the world.

On this night we are reminded that our legacy as the descendants of slaves creates in us a different kind of responsibility= we are to protect the stranger because we were strangers in the land of Egypt.

A possible fifth question: How can we make this coming year different from all other years?

When tasting matzoh the bread of poverty, find ways to help the poor and the hungry.

When eating the bitter herbs, commit tohelp those whose lives are embittered by disease.

When dipping our food into salt water, share the tears of sadness of those who are oppressed by others..

When thinking about the 10 plagues, commit to helping those suffering from today's afflictions including hurricanes, earthquakes, contaminated water, HIV, and of course Covid.

When reclining in celebration of our freedom, seek opportunities to help those still oppressed today both around the world and in our own country including those facing discrimination because of their race, their religion, or their sexual orientation.

haggadah Section: Koreich