God uses four expressions of redemption to describe the Exodus from Egypt:

  1. I will take you out...
  2. I will save you...
  3. I will redeem you...
  4. I will take you as a nation…

In response, we drink each cup of wine as an expression of celebration of our deliverance.

There is also a fifth expression: "And I will bring you to the land which I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and will give it to you as an inheritance." In response, there is also a fifth cup of wine; this is set aside for Elijah. While the first four expressions of redemption have come to pass, the fifth expression refers to the coming of the Moshiach (Messaiah) which has not. Thus, this cup goes undrunk, and is set aside for the prophet, Elijah, who is said will announce the arrival of Peace.

haggadah Section: Kadesh