Why do we tell the story?

Sometimes people ask: "What is your story?" - Why?

Your story makes you to yourself. In order to know a person it is not enough to know his age, gender and name. You need to know his story because that is what makes him personal, unique and special.

So is the Judaism.

In order to understand it, it is not enough to know the traditions. You need to know the story.

When we teach a child morality we do it mostly by telling stories in order to illustrate it, to make it understandable, to make it human. To make our traditions understandable and bring humanity and life into Judaism we need to tell the story.

What would the Judaism be without its' traditions? What would be the traditions without their story?

So... Let's tell our story!

(Mascha Brosius)

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning