Part of the Seder if not only talking about the past, but also about the future and about rebuilding the 3rd Beit HaMikdash in Yerushalayim. 

Did you know that the 1st Seder always falls out on the same day of Tisha B'Av. Our questions is: Is that a coincidence?!?

A) The Chafitz Chaim said at the Seder the 2 dippings (Karpas into salt water and Marror into Charoset) connects to the 2 'dippings' in Egypt. The dippings in Egypt were:

1)  When Yosef's brother dipped his Ktonet Pasim into the blood (which ultimately started the whole Egypt story). This act was out of hatred

2) In Egypt, dipping the blood from the lamb onto the door posts. This act signified the unity

From hatred to unity. Going in to Egypt and coming out. 

Therefore, the Karpas symbolizes slavery and the Maror and Chroset symbolizes the freedom. We need to our mistakes in order to get our 3rd Beit HaMikdash

Chag Sameach

haggadah Section: Maror
Source: My Teacher