25. Because Janusz Korczak refused to abandon his orphaned students in the Warsaw Ghetto and instead accompanied them to Auschwitz.

26. Because Shalom Cholavsky, 27, led a group that set fire to the Nieswiez Ghetto in 1942 and escaped to the forests of Byelorussia, where they fought that Nazis for two years.

27. Because Anne Frank believed in human goodness after two years in hiding.

28. Because Rosa Robota and three other young women smuggled explosives into Auschwitz to fuel the Sonderkommando uprising of 1944.

29. Because Israel's Yad Vashem has recognized and honored more than 24,000 non-Jews for their heroism in rescuing Jews.

30. Because our history rightfully leads to the understanding that racist thinking is the path to murder.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from Lawrence Bush