Many begin the Seder meal eating an egg. Why? Various answers have been offered. According to one tradition, the egg is the only food that when you heat it, it does not soften. Boil an egg and it becomes hard. This symbolizes our people: the more heat and pressure that has been applied to us as people, the tougher and stronger we become.

The notion of resilience is one that we need to tap into these days. We have weathered some of the most difficult storms. Time and again  we have reached deep inside ourselves and, remarkably, we have found the faith and convictions to make it through, often, thriving during the most demanding situations. We are masters of resilience.

In everyone's life there are peaks and valleys. At times of distress we should remember that we have emerged from similar episodes in the past, and that we will survive this ordeal as well. Although there is great sadness, we should not despair.

Passover carries this message for the individual as well as for the nation.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from