In recent years, Zaide has added a fifth question to the traditional four. He asks, "Who? Who will lead the seder for future generations?"

This Haggadah is an answer to that question. With this Haggadah, we are creating a seder that combines the traditional Jewish influences of Nana and Zaide's seder with some modern, interactive elements that will (hopefully) keep everyone happy. We want to preserve our family traditions for future generations, but we also want to add our own flair.

The final product captures the fun and future-oriented spirit of our family. This family is led by a patriarch who has treasured his own Haggadah since the day of his Bar Mitzvah, and he has preserved his youthful spirit as well. Our matriarch is a selfless, strong woman who works tirelessly to cook our favorite Passover foods (especially twice-baked potatoes and meringues), but she doesn't take herself too seriously — she'll probably pee her pants laughing before the seder is over. This is a family who treks to Aruba for drinks on the beach and to Israel for B'nei Mitzvot at the Western Wall. We come together on the Jewish holidays for old traditions and new inside jokes, and I don't think there is any family quite like ours.

So who will lead the seders of the future? We will. We children and grandchildren feel lucky to have had such a special upbringing in the Weiner family, and we look forward to passing on old traditions and creating new ones.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Andrea Michelson