When we talk about modern-day slavery, we all start out as the child who does not know to ask, because we don’t even know that the problem exists.

Upon first encountering the issue, we ask simple questions.

As we learn more, it is easy to slide into the frustration of the wicked child: this is such a massive uphill battle and I am so small—why should I bother caring?

We seek the wisdom to overcome despair and find the ways in which we can be effective at fighting the root causes of modern slavery.

On the path from first realizations to paralysis to activism, where do you find yourself tonight? What has your journey been to this place?

The seder demands that we look forward, not backward. To the children’s questions about why we celebrate Passover, we respond, “because God took us out of Egypt“ and not “because we were slaves in Egypt.”

We dwell on the joy and agency of liberation, not on the pain of slavery. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: OtherSide