When Israel was in Egypt’s Land, 
Let My people go;
Oppressed so hard they could not stand, 
Let My people go;
Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt’s Land,
Tell old Pharaoh: Let My people go!

When they had reached the other shore, Let My people go;
They sang the song of freedom o’er, Let My people go.
Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt’s Land,
Tell old Pharaoh: Let My people go!

New Pharaohs rise to scorch all Earth, 
Let all My peoples go;
Big Coal and Oil parch new birth, 
Let all My peoples go;

Rise up, Peoples, Rise up in every land,
Tell ALL Pharaohs: Let My creation grow!

For the Breath of Life still offers hope, 
Let all My peoples go;
With sun and wind they well can cope –
Let all My peoples go;

Rise up, People, Rise up in every land,
Tell ALL Pharaohs: Let My creation grow!

Oh, set all Earth from bondage free,
Let all My peoples go;
Let our Making pause to Be,

Let air and water flow.
Rise Up, Peoples, rise UP in every land,
Tell ALL Pharaohs: Let My creation grow!

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Rabbi Arthur Waskow