Z’roa–זרוע: a shankbone or beet, which represents the mighty hand and outstretched arm that liberated us from Mitzrayim.

Maror-מרור: horseradish, which represents the bitterness of slavery in Mitzrayim.

Charoset–חרוסת: a mixture of dried fruits and nuts which represents the mortar used to lay bricks, the work done while enslaved in Mitzrayim.

Beitzah–ביצה: an egg, which represents life, wholeness, and liberation.​

Karpas–כרפס: parsley, which represents growth, change, and life.

Salt Water–מי מלח: which represents our tears while enslaved, and our tenacity and chutzpah in fighting for liberation.

Tapuz–תפוז: an orange, which represents gender and sexual equality and justice, especially for queer, trans and gender non-conforming people, and women.

Zayit–זית: an olive, which represents solidarity with Palestinians and Palestine and the struggle for justice and peace in Israel and Palestine.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Jews For Racial and Economic Justice Racial Justice Haggadah