By Rabbi Goldie Milgram The Torah and Pesach are road maps to the Promised Land of our dreams. How does this work? When we choose to make a major life change from a situation that feels oppressing, after the initial elation we often notice a major glitch. Our resumes suddenly have as their most recent entry: "experienced slave." It seems colossally unfair after all the stress of deciding to leave that we don't find ourselves in the promised land. Like the Israelites, we too need to be reformatted through the knowing pains and growing pains which come during the wilderness periods after major departures. (Divorces, job changes, emigrations.) This process adds valuable new experience and skills to the resume of our soul. We can recreate ourselves and attain the promised lands of our dreams. We are energized and supported to do this through our awareness of connection to The Source and nurtured and comforted by the sacred stories of our Jewish tradition, which point the way. Love and blessings for a sweet season of increased freedom for all.

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Foundation for Family Education, Inc.